Managing payroll and staying on top of ever-changing rules and legislation that affect payroll can be frustrating and time-consuming.
MD Consulting’s friendly payroll professionals offer a complete outsourced payroll solution for businesses of all sizes, providing a fast, accurate, cost-effective alternative to handling payroll administration in-house that is complemented by email or phone support for your payroll queries.
With our expert service, we’ll keep you compliant with all relevant payroll and tax rules and regulations – including those relating to Real Time Information (RTI) reporting and auto-enrolment – and take the worry out of meeting your HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) requirements.
Because MD Consulting is a payroll specialist, you also can be sure your sensitive financial information will be treated in complete confidence.
As part of our payroll services, we work with clients affected by the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) and can advise on all aspects of CIS-specific requirements.
We can also prepare forms P11D and P11D(b), relating to expenses and benefits, calculate the employer’s Class 1A national insurance liabilities and make the necessary submissions to HMRC.
To find out more about MD Consulting’s payroll bureau services in Buckinghamshire, or to arrange a free initial meeting to discuss how we can help you in more detail, please contact us.